Making light of serious stuff : short verse

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Death by a train
The kiss of a speeding train
Mother earth's embrace
Crescendo of clackety clackety
Then opaque darkness .

The Sun and the Moon

The sky was a loft
Where children played
An old hag's broom pushed it up
The children now the sun and the moon .

The butterfly
Stinging, stinking caterpillar
Ate beauty-holes in our cheekoo leaves
And disappeared into
The rainbow outside our compound.

The Eagle

Elf-like the she-eagle's call
Fanned out like
Gulmohur's flames
Towards the silver-lined sky-dome.

The plane that did not take off

The grounded plane
With injured wing
Staved our take-off to heaven
By not flying.

Man and dog

Dog's leash tied to walker
Dog and man walk
Who is walking whom .

The old man

A string cot under a mango tree
A marigold-surrounded thatched hut
Announce his stubborn earthly presence .

The tribal woman

Ebony-backed tribal woman burns her mouth
With lighted cigar inside ,flickering
Like a firefly trapped in a rock crevice.


Girls threw stones in charcoal-drawn squares
Their pigtails wavered , ding-dong,
As they jumped over the squares ,one-legged.

The watchman in Hong Kong

An ancient watchman watches a skyscraper
One-third of his age
The third in his watchman?s career.

The station master's colours

At ten the Madras express chugs in
Not stopping but a possibility
If the station master thought red ,not green .

A shadow man

The winter fire swelled
Pushing shadow man to wall
Thence to the mango tree.

The bench in the park

Sunlight sieved by the pipal tree
Played on the spread-out newspaper
And the trouser legs.


The brown parched land
Ran to Sahyadri mountains
Starting from a lonely shrub.

The backyard visitor

Six a.m. the bulbul arrived
Our backyard worms forgot
It was his breakfast time.

A view from the rooftop

The traffic centipede
Stops briefly at zebra?s feet
And crawls on.

My own little moon

In my childhood my moon
Hid behind a coconut tree
A skyscraper in America now hides it .

A plastic bag

A highwayside shrub
Blooms a coloured plastic bag
Puffed up by passing wind .

The empty park bench

He is not seen on the bench these days
A cigarette stub
Continues to announce him.

Mr. Sparrow

Mr. Sparrow drove away
His rival from the mirror
Only to find him back again.

Waves in the Gateway of India

Beating waves
Fail to kiss
Dangling child feet.

Posted by jagannath rao :: 1:43 AM :: 0 Comments:

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Making light of serious stuff : short verse

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Death by a train
The kiss of a speeding train
Mother earth's embrace
Crescendo of clackety clackety
Then opaque darkness .

The Sun and the Moon

The sky was a loft
Where children played
An old hag's broom pushed it up
The children now the sun and the moon .

The butterfly
Stinging, stinking caterpillar
Ate beauty-holes in our cheekoo leaves
And disappeared into
The rainbow outside our compound.

The Eagle

Elf-like the she-eagle's call
Fanned out like
Gulmohur's flames
Towards the silver-lined sky-dome.

The plane that did not take off

The grounded plane
With injured wing
Staved our take-off to heaven
By not flying.

Man and dog

Dog's leash tied to walker
Dog and man walk
Who is walking whom .

The old man

A string cot under a mango tree
A marigold-surrounded thatched hut
Announce his stubborn earthly presence .

The tribal woman

Ebony-backed tribal woman burns her mouth
With lighted cigar inside ,flickering
Like a firefly trapped in a rock crevice.


Girls threw stones in charcoal-drawn squares
Their pigtails wavered , ding-dong,
As they jumped over the squares ,one-legged.

The watchman in Hong Kong

An ancient watchman watches a skyscraper
One-third of his age
The third in his watchman?s career.

The station master's colours

At ten the Madras express chugs in
Not stopping but a possibility
If the station master thought red ,not green .

A shadow man

The winter fire swelled
Pushing shadow man to wall
Thence to the mango tree.

The bench in the park

Sunlight sieved by the pipal tree
Played on the spread-out newspaper
And the trouser legs.


The brown parched land
Ran to Sahyadri mountains
Starting from a lonely shrub.

The backyard visitor

Six a.m. the bulbul arrived
Our backyard worms forgot
It was his breakfast time.

A view from the rooftop

The traffic centipede
Stops briefly at zebra?s feet
And crawls on.

My own little moon

In my childhood my moon
Hid behind a coconut tree
A skyscraper in America now hides it .

A plastic bag

A highwayside shrub
Blooms a coloured plastic bag
Puffed up by passing wind .

The empty park bench

He is not seen on the bench these days
A cigarette stub
Continues to announce him.

Mr. Sparrow

Mr. Sparrow drove away
His rival from the mirror
Only to find him back again.

Waves in the Gateway of India

Beating waves
Fail to kiss
Dangling child feet.


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